Our 2018 year-round programming for our BOSS student-athletes and their non-athlete peers included weekly one-on-one academic coaching, mentoring, real world experiences and opportunities for advocacy and service. Please enjoy this Google photo gallery that captures some of our “off-season” engagements. Highlights included:
• Saturday sessions on each of the 6 BOSS Pillars (Economically, Mentally, Physically, Socially, Emotionally and Spiritually BOSS);
• Regular, one-on-one academic coaching in English, History, Math, Science and Technology;
• A visit to the USS Iowa courtesy of the Los Angeles Rams as part of the NFL’s Play 360 Salute to Veterans effort;
• Attendance at the 19th Annual National Association of Minority Contractors (Southern CA chapter) Leadership Awards dinner, where the boys interacted with architects, contractors, designers, engineers and other construction professionals to learn more about those career pathways;
• Attendance at Rainbow PUSH Coalition’s 20th Annual Awards Gala and 77th birthday celebration of the Rev Jesse Jackson, where the boys interacted with business, civic, education and political leaders and legends;
• A salute to ESP founder, Everett Glenn, supported by the Los Angeles Chargers;
• Robotics exploration provided by Innovos Robotics;
• Participation in the Make Hustle Happen campaign sponsored by the NFL and Microsoft, where the boys learned how NFL players “make hustle happen” through side businesses and collaboration to serve a cause they care about; Brainstormed their own ideas for their own side hustle or a supporting a cause; Drafted an action plan using Windows 10; and presented their action plans to gain the inspiration they need to execute next steps;
• Participation in Microsoft sponsored event honoring and celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and inspiring creativity and imagination in the boys including an art workshop where the boys were able to create art pieces that answer the question “What Does Dr. King’s Dream Mean to You?”. A select group were invited back for an awards ceremony and a showing of their artwork;
• Participation in our 2nd annual BOSS Showcase on Friday, Jan 25 from the Pointe at the Walter Pyramid at Long Beach State. 200 plus area student-athletes were joined by 20-30 other professionals for a day of exploring career/entrepreneurship pathways and success strategies. Former Marquette standout and NBA player, now a NBA Players Association career counselor, Dr. Lloyd Walton, one of 3 former players in NBA history to earn a Doctorate, will deliver the Showcase luncheon keynote, After lunch, participants were treated to a presentation by mental performance expert Michael Cooper. BOSS Awards honoree, former NFL player and current Fox Sports personality, Marcellus Wiley, shared a few words and personally autographed copies of his new book Never Shut Up. We ended the day with a tour of the Long Beach State campus.
• Participation in our 2nd annual BOSS™ Awards (a rebrand the Super Bowl events we staged the past 7 years). The Awards included a salute of the Port of Long Beach and Executive Director Mario Cordero; Klutch Sports’ Rich Paul (LeBron James, et al) Chargers’ Senior Director of Player Engagement, Arthur Hightower; LBUSD Board Member Dr. Felton Williams; Dodgers’ VP of External Affairs, Naomi Rodriguez; The Marriott’s Imran Ahmed; and Fox Sports’ Marcellus Wiley. KCBS-TV Sports Anchor and Sports Director, Jim Hill, will host the awards, Joining our honorary co-chairs Darrell Miller of Fox Rothschild and Long Beach Councilmember Rex Richardson.
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